Academic Wiring: Punctiation
Comma That cannot be used with comma If it look paralel but the subjet is there, put comma before and. Practice 1 (comma) 2. A company that wants to be successful must spend a great deal of money to advertise its products. 3. Advertising is essential to the free enterprise system, yet it can sometimes be very annoying. 4. Every minute of the day and night, people are exposed to ads on television, on billboards, in the newspapers, and in the magazines. 5. Yo cannot even avoid advertising in the privacy of your own car or your own home, for advertisers have begun selling their products in those places, too. 6. In the last few years, advertising agencies have started to hire young people to hand out circulars on street corners and in parking lots. 7. You can often find these circulars stuck on your windshield thrust, through the open windows of your car, stuffed in your mailbox, or simply scattered on your front doorstep. 8. Because Americans are exposed to so much advertisi